By Chris Seiter

Published on June 18th, 2022

I want you to know up front that this question you have posed about getting your ex girlfriend to want you back quickly is probably not the real outcome you want.

At least, not as quickly as you might have in mind.

But let’s do this.  Let’s talk about how you can get your ex to desire you again and bring her back into your arms as quickly as possible given your situation.

In this article I am going to give you a 7 Step Plan on how you should go about getting your ex girlfriend back in your life faster. We will talk about the Do’s and the Don’ts of how you go about this.  We also will talk about things you will want to do to accelerate that re-connection with your ex.

But first let me give you a brief summary answer to your question.

To successfully get your ex girlfriend to want you back quickly you must do the opposite of what you think is the way to go about it. Getting her back fast and quick has less to do with short term tactics and more to do with common sense strategies founded in a sensible Game Plan.

Let’s talk about 7 things you can do over the next few weeks to improve your chances of getting your ex girlfriend to reconsider her initial decision to break up.

Top Seven Moves You Can Make To Help Get Her Back Quicker

Are you ready to look at this in an entirely new way?

I hope so, because if you keep flailing away at making desperate attempts it is likely to add up and make it all that much more difficult for you.  So let’s get underway with you seven step Plan.

1. Don’t Say Anything To Her

That’s right.  Bite your tongue.  The moment you start in on how perfect the two of you were together and how wrong she is for wanting to break up with you, the deeper you fall into the prison of desperation.

Silence can have a very calming and even transformative effect if used properly.  So your first move is say and do nothing.  The chances of making the situation worse in those early hours and days is high.

2. Avoid Wallowing in Self Pity

It is natural to feel bad after a breakup and there is no wrong in allowing yourself a little time to feel sad.  But the sooner you pull yourself out of your sorrows, the faster you will get to a place where you project the right image that will eventually get noticed by her.

3. Remake the Image of Yourself.

Chances are that your ex girlfriend liked the way you look, but if you give her something else to thing about in terms of an all “new” you, you can create attraction at a distance.

This can be accomplished via social media or any other means in which you put yourself out there for her to notice.

And by the way, if other women start noticing you, then that can accelerate her interest in re-connecting with you.

4. Get Creative When You Do Reach Out To Her

That’s right.  I want you to make the first move when a sufficient time has gone by.  If you want her back quick, you are going to have to say something that will stimulate her in her mind such that she feels obliged to text you back.

And by the way, yes, you will be sending her a text initially. Think in terms of small moves in the beginning of this re-attraction phase.

It won’t be just the ordinary run of the mill kind of text you will want to send to her.  Your message will have to create a sudden desire for her to respond.  Check out one of my books, The Texting Bible, if you want some specific tips.

5. Maintain a Balance When You Communicate With Her

If you want her to feel the pull of your attraction then you can’t be the one always initiating communications.

I get into this topic more in my comprehensive book, Ex Recovery Program.  It talks about how you build the value chain slowly and persistently such that there is a balance in how the two of you communicate.

This applies not just to the frequency and timing of messages you pass back and forth, but if you want her to quickly come back into your life, you must be sure you find the right emotional balance in how you talk with her.

What Are Your Chances of Getting Your Ex Girlfriend Back?

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Notice I said, “talk with her”….not “talk to her”.  The new way you need to connect with your ex girlfriend needs to revolve around a shared communication experience.

You need to get up inside her mind and find out what her needs are. Only then will she open up to you as quickly as you desire.

6. Finding the Right Bonding Moments

Once you find that communications with your ex girlfriend is underway in a shared and balanced manner, you then need to turn your attention to making moments that allow the two of you to bond.

Now I am not really talking about sex, though that can be part of it.  The sex will come later and you will know with no uncertainty when she is ready.  What I mean by bonding moments are things you do together that leaves a positive impression.

You see, when you are seeking to get the relationship back on track quickly, you want to create several small and in some cases large shared experiences that involves both of you.

In effect, you want to imprint on her whole being your new essence and vibe.

Whatever negative thoughts and feelings she had needs to be replaced with these more fulfilling moments.

7. Surprise Your Ex Girlfriend With Something She Didn’t Know About You

I saved this tip for the last because it is probably the hardest thing to do, but it can do wonders in quickly regaining her trust and desire to want you back.

You need to find something about yourself…something that you are doing (e.g. volunteering to help young kids) or something that she will be intrigued with and never realized about you.  Like a magnet she will be drawn to learn more about whatever this is.  She probably thought she knew everything about you including all your faults.

But if you can show her the sunny side of something about you that will stop her in her tracks, she will instantly want to learn more. Then you are well on your way of cementing  a stronger connection with her.

Whatever it is, it should showcase a special talent you have or personal sacrifice you are making.  Preferably something selfless and endearing and considerate.

You want to show her that you have substance. And if you can bring to the forefront an attractive and perhaps somewhat mysterious quality, it may cause her to reconsider many of her  previous erroneous notions about you.	

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