By Chris Seiter

Published on January 28th, 2024

Experiencing a breakup is tough, especially when there’s still so much you feel you need to say. Getting your ex-girlfriend to lend an ear, let alone truly listen to you after things have ended, can feel like trying to scale a metaphorical wall, blindfolded and without a rope.

Why is it so challenging, you ask? Well, post-breakup dynamics are fraught with hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and often a strong desire from both parties to protect their own emotional well-being, making communication feel like navigating a battlefield rather than a bridge.

But, fear not! Your mission to be heard isn’t impossible. With the right approach, understanding, and a bit of strategic thinking, you can increase your chances of being heard, and more importantly, understood.

Here are 15 tactical maneuvers that might just help you break through the silence and get your message across:

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15 Tactics to Get Your Ex to Listen to You

A word of advice. Before you start implementing some of these suggestions, check to make sure that they are in agreement with your Game Plan that your Breakup Coach helped you come up with.  Sometimes, getting an ex to listen to you is about how and when to reach out to them.  So, if you are utilizing the No Contact Rule, in most cases it serves you to complete the period of time you established.

1. Timing is Everything

Choosing the right moment is crucial. You want to ensure that she’s in a mental and emotional state where she can actually hear what you’re saying. This means avoiding times when she’s visibly stressed, busy, or already in a bad mood. It might require some patience and observation to find the right moment, but it’s worth it if it means being heard.

2. Neutral Ground

The setting for your conversation can significantly impact its outcome. A place with positive, neutral associations can help set a tone of openness and cooperation. This might be a quiet coffee shop, a park, or any other place where you both feel comfortable and undistracted by past memories.

3. Write it Down

Writing a letter allows you to articulate your thoughts clearly and gives her the chance to absorb your words without the immediate pressure of responding. It’s a respectful way to communicate, especially if emotions are still raw. Be sincere, concise, and honest in your letter, and make it clear that your intention is to communicate openly, not to impose or demand a response.

4. Mutual Friends

Enlisting the help of a mutual friend should be done with caution. The friend should be someone who is genuinely neutral and respects the privacy and feelings of both parties. This friend can help facilitate a conversation or simply pass along a message that you’d like to communicate. It’s essential, however, to avoid putting this friend in an awkward or biased position.

5. Empathy First

Starting the conversation with empathy helps in lowering defenses. Acknowledge her feelings, the pain of the breakup, and express your understanding of her perspective. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with everything, but showing that you respect her feelings can create a more conducive atmosphere for communication.

6. No Blame Game

It’s easy to fall into the trap of assigning blame when emotions are involved. However, using accusatory language will likely lead to defensiveness and shut down the conversation. Focus on expressing your feelings using “I” statements, like “I feel” or “I believe”, which are less likely to provoke a defensive response.

7. Listen Too

Make it clear that you’re not just there to talk but to listen as well. This two-way street approach shows that you value her perspective and are open to understanding her side of the story, not just airing your own.

8. Keep it Brief

Long, drawn-out conversations can be overwhelming and counterproductive. Aim to express your key points clearly and succinctly. This helps in ensuring that your most important messages are not lost in a sea of words and emotions.

9. Open-ended Questions

Asking questions that require more than a simple yes or no can encourage a real dialogue. It shows that you’re interested in her thoughts and feelings, and not just trying to make a point. Questions like “How do you feel about what happened?” or “What’s your perspective on this issue?” can open up the conversation.

10. Stay Calm

No matter how she responds, it’s important to remain calm and composed. Getting angry or upset will only escalate the situation and diminish the chances of a productive conversation. Remember, the goal is to communicate, not to argue.

11. Non-verbal Cues

Body language speaks volumes. Ensure your posture and gestures are open and non-threatening. Similarly, be mindful of her body language, as it can give you clues about how she’s feeling and whether she’s open to the conversation.

12. Acknowledge the Breakup

Be clear that you’re not trying to negate the breakup or coerce a reunion. This conversation is about communication and closure, not manipulation. Recognizing the reality of the breakup can help in keeping the conversation grounded and sincere.

13. Focus on Resolution

Steer the conversation towards resolving unfinished business or clearing up misunderstandings, rather than rehashing past arguments. This future-focused approach is more likely to lead to a productive outcome.

14. Offer Closure

Sometimes, all that’s needed is a sense of closure. Offering this, whether it’s an apology, an explanation, or simply an acknowledgment of the end of your relationship, can be a significant step towards healing for both of you.

15. Give Space

After you’ve said your piece, it’s important to step back and give her space to process. Continuing to push for a conversation or bombard her with messages will only push her away.  I refer to this as gnatting in my Program. Respect her need for time and space, and recognize that this might be the end of the conversation for now.

When to Employ These Tactics of Getting Your Ex To Listen To You?

Understanding when to employ the tactics to get your ex to listen is as important as the tactics themselves. The timing and context can dramatically influence the outcome of your efforts. Let’s delve into each scenario to better understand the optimal conditions for these tactics:

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1. Cooling Off Period

After a breakup, emotions run high, and attempting to have meaningful conversations during this period can often lead to more harm than good. It’s essential to allow a cooling-off period, where both parties can step back, process their emotions, and gain some perspective on the situation. This doesn’t mean waiting for an arbitrary amount of time but rather observing signs of emotional stabilization in both yourself and your ex. When anger, hurt, and immediate post-breakup turmoil have subsided, and you can think about the situation without overwhelming emotion, it might be the right time to reach out.

2. Clear, Specific Purpose

Before initiating contact, it’s crucial to have a clear and specific purpose for the conversation. This purpose should go beyond the vague desire to “talk” or an impulsive need to see your ex. Whether it’s discussing practical matters like shared belongings, addressing unresolved issues that are preventing closure, or expressing thoughts and feelings that were left unsaid, having a concrete reason for the conversation will help keep the discussion focused and productive.  When you have arrived at that place in your breakup journey, that is when you can begin exploring your timeline of reaching out.

3. Mutual Need for Closure or Resolution

Sometimes, both parties feel a persistent sense of in-completion following a breakup. This might be due to unresolved conflicts, misunderstandings, or simply the abruptness of the breakup. If there’s a sense that both you and your ex are seeking closure or resolution on a specific matter, it might be an appropriate time to employ these tactics. This mutual need can serve as common ground, making the conversation more about reaching a mutual understanding or peace, rather than rekindling the relationship.

4. Genuine Willingness to Listen and Respect

Approaching your ex should come from a place of genuine willingness to listen and respect her perspective, even if it differs from your own. This means being prepared to hear things you might not agree with or that might be painful to accept. Often, you won’t be in the right mental state to be able to really hear what your ex has to say.  And if you are not there yet, then it’s unlikely your ex will be motivated to listen to what you have to say.  So please don’t be in a hurry. Often, a good deal of time has to go by before you can really enter into conversation with an open mind and heart, rather than a hidden agenda to persuade her to see things your way. This approach not only increases the chances of a constructive conversation but also demonstrates maturity and respect for her feelings and autonomy.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Seeking Your Ex’s Attention for a Conversation

When attempting to engage your ex in a meaningful conversation, the approach you choose is crucial. Here are eight critical missteps to steer clear of, ensuring your efforts lead to constructive dialogue rather than further estrangement:

1. Avoiding Surprise Confrontations

Springing a conversation on your ex, especially in a setting that’s public or emotionally charged, can lead to discomfort and resistance. It’s important to ensure that any discussion is prearranged and agreed upon by both parties, providing a sense of safety and preparedness that encourages open communication.

2. Steering Clear of Emotional Manipulation

Manipulative tactics like guilt-tripping, playing the victim, or leveraging emotions to elicit a certain response not only undermine the sincerity of your intentions but can also inflict lasting emotional harm. Genuine communication is built on honesty and respect, not on manipulation.

3. Respecting Boundaries

Post-breakup, individuals often set boundaries to protect their emotional well-being. Disregarding these—whether by insisting on communication when she’s asked for space or by overstepping personal boundaries—can reinforce negative feelings associated with the relationship and breakup.

4. Maintaining Privacy and Decorum Online

Turning to social media to air grievances, make indirect pleas, or share private aspects of your past relationship can lead to embarrassment and increased hostility. Keeping matters private and handling them directly respects both your dignities and fosters a more respectful environment for dialogue.

5. Avoiding Jealousy Provocation

Using jealousy as a tool to gain attention—such as by showcasing new romantic interests or flaunting social activities—can backfire, leading to increased resentment and decreased chances of a productive conversation. Genuine connections are built on trust and respect, not gamesmanship.

6. Focusing on the Present, Not Dwelling on the Past

While it’s natural to want to discuss past issues, dwelling on these can prevent progress and healing. Aim to address current concerns and feelings without rehashing old arguments, which can lead to a cycle of blame and defensiveness.

7. Making Realistic Promises

Promising changes or improvements that are unrealistic or insincere can lead to disappointment and further erosion of trust. It’s important to commit only to actions and changes that are genuine and achievable, demonstrating integrity and self-awareness.

8. Avoiding Overwhelming Communication

Inundating your ex with constant messages, calls, or unexpected visits can be overwhelming and invasive. It’s crucial to communicate respectfully and considerately, allowing space for her to process and respond in her own time.

The Expert’s Corner – Insights From Chris Seiter

FAQ 1: How long should I wait after the breakup before trying to communicate with my ex?

Answer: There’s no one-size-fits-all timeline, but it’s crucial to wait until both of you have had enough time to process the breakup and cool down from any immediate emotional turmoil. This could range from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the nature of the breakup and your individual coping mechanisms. Look for signs of emotional stabilization in yourself and your ex before reaching out.

FAQ 2: What if my ex doesn’t want to talk to me?

Answer: Respect her wishes and give her space. Attempting to force a conversation can push her further away. It’s important to recognize that healing and moving on might require silence at times. You can express your desire to communicate and leave the door open for future conversations when she might be more receptive.

FAQ 3: How can I apologize to my ex effectively?

Answer: An effective apology is sincere, acknowledges the specific ways in which you hurt her, and conveys your understanding of the impact of your actions. Avoid justifications for your behavior and focus on expressing genuine remorse and a willingness to make amends, if possible.

FAQ 4: Is it okay to ask mutual friends about my ex?

Answer: While it’s natural to be curious, be mindful of not putting mutual friends in uncomfortable positions or making them feel like they have to take sides. It’s better to focus on your own healing and respect your ex’s privacy.

FAQ 5: How can I show my ex that I’ve changed?

Answer: Actions speak louder than words. Focus on personal growth and making positive changes in your life that are visible through your actions and behavior. If and when you do communicate with your ex, let these changes speak for themselves rather than trying to verbally convince her.

FAQ 6: Should I try to get my ex back?

Answer: It’s essential to reflect on the reasons behind the breakup and whether the issues that led to it can be genuinely resolved. Consider whether getting back together would be in both of your best interests or if it’s driven by a fear of being alone or discomfort with change.

FAQ 7: How can I deal with the urge to contact my ex constantly?

Answer: Find healthy outlets for your emotions and distractions to keep you from acting on the impulse to reach out. This could include hobbies, exercise, spending time with friends, or even seeking professional support to work through your feelings.

FAQ 8: What if my ex wants to get back together but I’m not sure?

Answer: Take the time you need to reflect on your feelings and the reasons for your uncertainty. Communicate openly with your ex about where you stand, ensuring that any decisions made are mutual and not rushed.

FAQ 9: How can I cope with seeing my ex move on with someone else?

Answer: Focus on your own healing and personal growth. It’s natural to feel hurt or jealous, but redirecting your energy towards activities and goals that improve your own life can help ease the pain and support your journey towards moving on.

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FAQ 10: How do I handle shared responsibilities or belongings after a breakup?

Answer: Approach these practical matters with a clear, calm, and business-like attitude. Decide on a time to discuss these issues and come prepared with solutions or suggestions that are fair and considerate of both parties.

FAQ 11: Can we be friends after a breakup?

Answer: Friendship after a breakup is possible for some, but it requires time, space, and healing first. Both parties need to be fully over the romantic aspect of the relationship and comfortable with the idea of being just friends, which may not be feasible for everyone. It’s important to set clear boundaries and communicate openly about what this new relationship will look like.

FAQ 12: How can I make sure my ex is willing to listen when I reach out?

Answer: Gauge her openness by starting with neutral, non-confrontational communication, perhaps acknowledging a significant event or sharing something light-hearted. Her response (or lack thereof) can give you an indication of her willingness to engage. Always ensure your initial outreach is respectful of her space and boundaries.

FAQ 13: What should I do if my ex agrees to listen but then shuts down during the conversation?

Answer: If she becomes unresponsive or defensive, it’s important to remain calm and not press the issue further. Acknowledge her discomfort and offer to pause or end the conversation. It’s crucial to maintain respect for her emotional state and boundaries, even if it means not getting to say everything you planned.

FAQ 14: Is there a way to make my ex more receptive to what I have to say?

Answer: Start by acknowledging her feelings and offering an apology for any hurt you may have caused, as this can help lower defenses. Expressing empathy and understanding towards her perspective can also make her more receptive. However, remember that you can’t control her willingness to listen—only create a conducive environment for communication.

FAQ 15: What if my ex misinterprets what I’m trying to say?

Answer: Clarify your intentions and the purpose of your communication upfront to minimize misunderstandings. If misinterpretations arise, calmly and clearly restate your message, emphasizing your key points and your desire for mutual understanding, not conflict.

FAQ 16: How can I prepare for a conversation with my ex to increase the chances of being heard?

Answer: Reflect on what you want to say and consider writing it down to organize your thoughts. Anticipate potential reactions from her and think about how you can address them constructively. Practice expressing your thoughts in a clear, concise, and calm manner, focusing on “I” statements to convey your feelings without assigning blame.



Disclosure: I am the Author and Creator of this content. My aim is to provide you with original, well structured and authoritative content about this ex recovery topic utilizing my experience and expertise. I have endeavored to produce content that is high quality, relevant, informative, accurate, and reliable. In doing so, I have used an AI tool to some extent to assist me in generating useful content for my readers. This assistance may include topic research, the development of outline structures, phraseology for titles and headings, content curation, narrative expansion, grammar usage, and optimizing readability. All of this is done for the purpose of adding value to the post that I have produced. I personally “proof” every quality post I write for accuracy, completeness, textual flow, fine-tuning purposes, inclusion of relevant media, and inclusion of helpful internal links to further assist the reader. I do not allow for any clutter that would distract from my content or confuse my readers.

Signed By Yours Truly, Chris Seiter, Founder of Ex Boyfriend & Ex Girlfriend Recovery.	

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