By Chris Seiter

Published on January 16th, 2024

When the breakup with your Ex leaves you feeling depressed, it can be a challenging journey. There is no doubt that the end of a relationship can lead to depressed feelings, but it’s crucial to remember that this phase is temporary.

When an ex makes you feel depressed, it’s often due to numerous reasons such as the loss of companionship, broken dreams, damaged self-esteem, and constant reminders of the past. Your job is to combat these feelings by acknowledging them, engaging in new hobbies, exercising, maintaining a routine, and seeking support as needed. Remember, healing is a journey that involves self-reflection and a commitment to the truth that the future holds many wonderful possibilities.

As always, let’s explore the various ways an ex  can contribute to your feelings of depression and how you can effectively combat these feelings to emerge happier and more fulfilled.

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12 Ways an Ex Can Make You Feel Depressed

  1. Loss of Companionship: The void left by an ex can feel overwhelming. The daily interactions, shared jokes, and comforting presence that are now missing can lead to a profound sense of solitude and longing.
  2. Broken Plans and Dreams: When you build plans and dreams with someone, a breakup doesn’t just end a relationship; it shatters a future you envisioned together. This can leave you feeling lost, questioning your future path and purpose.
  3. Damaged Self-Esteem: If the breakup involved betrayal, harsh criticisms, or blame, it might lead you to question your worth. This erosion of self-esteem can manifest as persistent self-doubt and a diminished sense of self-worth.
  4. Constant Reminders of Your Ex: Living in the digital age, where social media feeds are filled with memories, seeing your ex’s updates or mutual friends’ posts can reopen healing wounds. Similarly, visiting places you once went to together can trigger painful nostalgia.
  5. Unresolved Questions: The lack of understanding or clarity about why the relationship ended can be mentally torturous. It can lead to obsessive overthinking and prevent you from gaining closure.
  6. Seeing Them Move On: Watching your ex adapt quickly and seemingly happily to life without you can evoke feelings of being left behind or unimportant. This contrast in emotional recovery can exacerbate your own feelings of loss.
  7. The Breakup Roller Coaster: Post-breakup emotions are rarely linear. One day you might feel acceptance, and the next, deep sadness or anger. This emotional unpredictability is draining and can contribute to a depressive state.
  8. Change in Social Connections: Losing not just a partner but a social circle or shared friends in the breakup can compound the sense of isolation. It’s not just the person you’re grieving, but also the social life you shared.
  9. Guilt and Regrets: Mulling over what you could have done differently, the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if only’ can be a source of deep regret and guilt. This rumination can keep you stuck in the past and hinder healing.
  10. Feeling Stuck: The inability to see a way out of your current emotional state, to envision a future where you’re happy again, can make you feel trapped in your sadness, further fueling depressive feelings.
  11. Lack of Closure: Closure is essential for moving on. Without it, you might find yourself clinging to hope or unable to accept the end of the relationship. This uncertainty can delay the healing process and keep you stuck in a cycle of sadness.
  1. Financial or Practical Stressors: Dealing with the logistics of a breakup, such as dividing assets, finding new living arrangements, or handling joint finances, adds a layer of stress. This practical upheaval can compound the emotional turmoil, leading to heightened anxiety and depression.

16 Ways to Combat Depression and Find Happiness Again After a Breakup

  1. Embrace Your Emotions: It’s totally normal to ride the ups and downs after a breakup. Feeling down, annoyed, or bewildered? That’s okay. Your feelings are legit and acknowledging them is the first step to healing.
  2. Stay Social: Keep your friends and family close. Isolation is a no-go. They’re your personal cheer squad, ready to lift you up when you’re feeling low.
  3. Build a Daily Groove: Nail down a routine that balances work, chill time, and stuff you love doing. It’s about finding that sweet spot between being productive and having fun.
  4. Get Moving: Exercise isn’t just about looking good – it’s a mood-lifter. Whether it’s yoga, running, or dancing in your room, physical activity is a legit mood booster.
  5. Try New Things: Ever wanted to learn guitar or get into baking? Now’s the time. New hobbies aren’t just fun – they can be super therapeutic and give you a sense of accomplishment.
  6. Skip the Bad Habits: Ditch the booze, drugs, or comfort eating. They’re like Band-Aids on a broken leg – temporary and not really helpful.
  7. Self-Care for the Win: Treat yourself like royalty. Read that book, soak in the tub, meditate. Do things that make you feel good about being you.
  8. Professional Help Rocks: If you’re feeling super low, there’s no shame in seeking help from a therapist or counselor. They’re like navigators in the choppy seas of your emotions.
  9. Ex-Free Zone: Keeping in touch with your ex might feel like picking at a scab. Give yourself some space to heal. Out of sight, out of mind can really work.
  10. Reflect and Grow: Turn this breakup into a learning experience. What do you really want in your next relationship? This is your time to figure that out.
  11. Give Back: Volunteering can be a game-changer. Helping others gives you a happiness boost and a sense of purpose.
  12. Journal Your Journey: Pour your heart out on paper. It’s a great way to process what you’re feeling and find clarity.
  13. Change Your Scene: Sometimes, a new environment can give you a fresh outlook. Travel, explore, or just switch up your daily hangouts. It’s amazing how a change of scenery can shift your perspective.
  1. Chase Your Dreams: Redirect your energy towards your goals and ambitions. Whether it’s acing that course, landing a dream job, or just learning to cook – focus on what drives you.
  2. Count Your Blessings: Practice gratitude. It’s easy to dwell on what’s gone, but flipping the script to appreciate what you still have can change your entire mindset.
  3. Social Media Detox: Constantly checking on what your ex is up to? That’s a hard pass. Give yourself a break from social media stalking. It’s time to focus on you, not them.

The Expert’s Corner:

Insider Insights From Chris Seiter:  FAQs on “My Ex Made Me Depressed”

  1. Why do I feel depressed after my breakup with my ex-girlfriend?
    • Breakups can disrupt your life, leading to feelings of loss, loneliness, and a shaken sense of identity. These changes can trigger depression, especially if the relationship was significant to you.
  2. Is it normal to feel this way post-breakup?
    • Yes, it’s entirely normal. Many people experience a range of emotions, including sadness and depression, after a breakup. It’s part of the process of grieving and healing.
  3. How long will I feel depressed after my breakup?
    • The duration varies for each person. It depends on factors like the relationship’s length, intensity, and your personal coping mechanisms. Generally, time does help in healing.
  4. Should I talk to my ex about my feelings of depression?
    • It’s usually better to focus on healing independently. Reaching out to an ex can sometimes delay the healing process, especially if the interaction is negative.
  5. Can I still be friends with my ex-girlfriend?
    • Maintaining a friendship immediately after a breakup can be challenging, particularly if you’re feeling depressed. It might be healthier to have some distance until you’ve both moved on emotionally.
  6. How can I stop thinking about her all the time?
    • Redirect your focus by engaging in new activities, hobbies, or spending time with friends and family. Keeping busy can help shift your thoughts away from your ex.
  7. What if I see my ex moving on and I’m still stuck?
    • Focus on your journey. Everyone heals at their own pace. Engage in activities that promote your growth and happiness, independent of her actions.
  8. Is it okay to feel angry at my ex for making me feel this way?
    • Feeling angry is a natural part of the healing process. Acknowledge your anger, but also work towards understanding and eventually letting go of these feelings.
  9. Should I seek professional help for my depression?
    • If your depression is severe, persistent, or affecting your daily life, it’s advisable to seek help from a mental health professional.
  10. How do I deal with mutual friends post-breakup?
    • Be honest with them about your need for space if necessary. You can also request that they avoid discussing your ex with you.
  11. What if I start regretting the breakup?
    • Regret can be part of the healing process. Reflect on the reasons for the breakup and whether they still hold. Focus on learning from the relationship.
  12. How can I rebuild my self-esteem after it’s been damaged by the breakup?
    • Engage in activities that make you feel good about yourself. Set small, achievable goals. Surround yourself with supportive people who make you feel valued.
  13. Is it a good idea to start dating again to combat these feelings?
    • Jumping into a new relationship too quickly can be a form of avoidance. It’s usually best to wait until you’ve healed sufficiently from your last relationship.



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Signed By Yours Truly, Chris Seiter, Founder of Ex Boyfriend & Ex Girlfriend Recovery.	

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